Pieces for trombone and electronics by: A. Gardner, A. Lewin-Richter, R. Climent, W. Siegel, V. Roncero & M. Phillips.
Carlos Gil Ferrer

Born in Bétera (Valencia – Spain), Carlos studied at both Conservatorio Superior de Música in Valencia and Madrid. He has achieved his degrees with honor for both Trombone and Euphonium teaching. His teachers include Joaquín Vidal Pedrós, Miguel Ángel Tomás Castelló and Gilles Millière, among others.
At the age of 19 he won the position as principal trombone at Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa through public competition. The same year he was appointed teacher at Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid, and also at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música “Teresa Berganza” in Madrid.
Carlos has collaborated intensely with some of the most prestigious Spanish symphonic orchestras, chamber music ensembles and contemporary music ensembles, such as Orquesta de la RTVE, Orquesta Nacional de España, Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid, Orquesta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Orquesta “Ciudad de Granada”, Joven Orquesta Nacional de España, Virtuosos de Moscú, Orquestra de Cambra del Teatre Lliure de Barcelona, Banda Sinfónica Municipal de Madrid, Capilla Real de Madrid, Capella de Ministrers, Orquesta Sinfónica de la Comunidad Valenciana “Les Arts”, Spanish Brass-Luur Metalls, Quatuor de trombones Millière, Ensemble Espai Sonor, Grup Mixtour, and the Smash Ensemble. Carlos is frequently invited to play with symphonic orchestras and chamber ensembles in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, France, Holland.
In 2005, he was invited by the ICMC (Internacional Conference Music Computer).
He teaches in numerous festivals and music academies all around Spain. Carlos has also been invited as a specialist teacher with the Spanish Youth Orchestras (Orquesta de Estudiantes de la Comunidad de Madrid, en la Joven Orquesta de la Región de Murcia, en la Orquesta Joven de Andalucía y en la Jove Orquestra de la Generalitat Valenciana).
Carlos Gil is founding member of the Cuarteto Español de Trombones, Quinteto de Metales “Iberbrass”, and Cuarteto “Pianobrass”. With the ensembles he has collaborated in many festivals: IXº Encuentro de Compositores de COSICOVA, XIIº Ciclo Internacional de Conciertos “Ciudad de Navajas”, Festival Internacional de Música de Sabadell, XIII Serenates d’Estiu de Cala Rajada (Palma de Mallorca), Festival d’orgue de Santa Maria de Maó (Menorca), and the 36º International Horn Symposium.
He has won awards in several chamber music competitions: “Ciutat de Manresa”, “Montserrat Alavedra” de Terrassa and the prestigious “Wettbewerbs für Blechbläserquintette” of Moers in Germany.
As a soloist he has performed in some of the most important festivals in the world. Past appearances have included “VII Jornadas de informática y Electrónica musical” (CDMC), VII Ciclo de Música Contemporánea del Museo Vostell Malpartida , Festival “Punto de encuentro”, “Concerts Phonos”, “Festival Spanish Brass”, “Spanish Brass
Surround”, Festival de Música Contemporánea de Alicante, Mostra Sonora de Sueca (Valencia), Cicle “5 segles de música a L’eliana (Valencia), XIII Jornadas de Música Contemporánea de Córdoba, and the Festival “Ensems” de Valencia.
He has also given world premieres of several pieces for trombone by Vicente Roncero, Andrés Lewin- Richter, Ricardo Climent, Gabriel Brcnic, Alexandra Gardner, Alejandro Trapero, Voro García, José Vicente Egea, Miguel Guerra, Francisco Zacarés and Ricardo Mollá. He also gave the Spanish premiere of Concertino for trombone and amplified ensemble by Aureliano Cattaneo and “Contextos” for solo trombone, cello, piano and percussions by Elena Mendoza, both played together with “Espai sonor” conducted by Voro García.
As a recording artist, Carlos has released three albums: “Carlos Gil Ferrer, trombó” (pieces for trombone and electronics – ARS HARMONICA AH 192), “Carlos Gil: Multaqa” (SB Produccions 016), with the collaboration of Spanish Brass Llur Metalls, Ensemble Espai Sonor, and the 2i2 Quartet and recently “Sinergies” (SB Produccions 034), with the trumpeter Luis González Martí.
He has also recorded the “Concertino for trombone and amplified ensemble » by Aureliano Cattaneo (Stradivarius SVS 33893), Music Minus One II: “Alegrías” for trombone and a CD by José Iges (José Iges “Sitting between chairs”), and “Snapdragon” for trombone and electronics by Alexandra Gardner (Innova Recordings 662).
Currently, he is teaching at the Conservatorio Municipal “José Iturbi” de Valencia, as well as with Inda Bonet (SBLM) for the project “Aula de trombón” (www.auladetrombon.com).
He is professor in residence at Festival Spanish Brass (Alzira) (www.sbalz.com), Festival Brassurround (Torrent) (www.brassurround.com), and Festival “Brass&wines” (www.brassandwines.com).
Carlos GIL FERRER plays on Antoine Courtois trombones.

With the collaboration of SBLM, Ensemble Espai Sonor, 2i2 Quartet

The 1st work for soprano, flute, oboe, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, viola, and cello; the 2nd for violin, cello, and accordion; the 3rd for trombone with flute, oboe, piano, violin, and cello, all amplified.

Con la colaboración de SBLM, Ensemble
Espai Sonor, 2i2 Quartet y Stomvi Trombone