
jous International soloist

kim Bass Trombone of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra & assistant... Trombones

kojima Head of TOOT BRASS! (Brass Ensemble) , Concert master of Tokyo Wow!...

krimperis Principal Trombonist NSO & Professor at Athens Conservatory Trombones

laborde Swing Bones Trombones

lachurie Professeur aux conservatoires de Toulouse et de Carcassonne Trombones

lapierre Solo trombone of the Opéra of Rouen/Haute Normandie Trombones

lassalle Trombone teacher at the Toulouse Conservatoire National de Région Trombones

lemay Tuxedo Swing Inc. President, executive director and musician Trombones

león rodríguez Trombone professor and international soloist Trombones

lepape Teatro Regio Torino, Pentabrass Quintet et Quartetto Italiano di... Trombones

lorthios Directeur de l'école de musique et de l’harmonie municipale de... Trombones

lundgren Maniacal 4 Quartet Trombones

marcellus International trombone soloist, educator Trombones

mark Professor of Trombone, Delta State University Trombones

marsalis Freelance jazz trombonist Trombones

martin Professor of Trombone, University of Montreal, McGill University Trombones

martínez Freelance Trombonist Trombones
matsushita ザ・カレッジ・オペラハウス管弦楽団トロンボーン奏者,... Endorser

mauger Trombone Professor HEMU of Lausanne site of Fribourg Trombones

mazzocchi Professor of Trombone at John J. Cali School of Music Trombones

mcfalls Trombonist, Improviser, Composer & Educator Trombones

medrano Professor of Trombone, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico / Trombonist at... Trombones

meurin Euphonium Soloist Saxhorns